استقدام-كينيا-اوغندا-اثيوبيا مكتب-استقدام-اثيوبيا-الفلبين-اوغندا
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ملاحظة : الرقم خاص فقط بإعلانات العمالة المنزلية

  • اخر المشاركات

  • صور الركاب في الطائرة الفرنسية قبل وقوعها بثواني

    أنظمة العمالة المنزلية

    قديم 06-10-2009, 10:11 AM
    صور الركاب في الطائرة الفرنسية قبل وقوعها بثواني
    Photos taken from the GOL B 737 aircraft accident in Brazil .

    Last month a B737 had a mid air collision with a Embraer Legacy while cruising at 35,000 feet over South America . The Embraer Legacy, though seriously damaged, with the winglet ripped off, managed to make a landing at a nearby airstrip in the midst of the Amazon jungle. The crew and passengers of the Embraer Legacy had no idea what they had hit. The B737, however, crashed killing all crew and passengers on board.

    The two photos attached above were apparently taken by one of the passengers in the B737, after the collision and before the aircraft crashed. The photos were retrieved from the camera's memory stick. You will never get to see photos like this. In the first photo there is a gaping hole in the fuselage through which you can see the tailplane and vertical fin of the aircraft. In the second photo one of the passengers is being sucked out of the gaping hole.
    Photos taken inside the plane.

    These photos were found in a digital Casio Z750, amidst the remains in Serra do Cachimbo. Although the camera was destroyed, the Memory Stick was recovered. Investigating the serial number of the camera the owner could be identified, as Paulo G. Muller, an actor of a theatre for children known in the outskirts of Porto Alegre It can be imagined that he was standing during the impact with the Embraer Legacy, and during the turbulence he managed to take these photos, s econds after the tail loss the aircraft plunged, so the camera was found near the cockpit. the structural stress probably ripped the engines away, diminishing the falling speed, protecting the ele ctronic equipment but not, unfortunately, the victims. Paulo Muller leaves behind two daughters, Bruna and Beatriz, from a previous relationship.

    اقول يازين الارض

    الله يحفظ الجميع

    قديم 06-10-2009, 12:53 PM
    الله يرحم جميع موتى المسلمين ويصبر اهل جميع الضحايا وينجينا جميعا من المصائب

    قديم 06-26-2009, 05:39 AM
    نسأل الله السلامة والعافية

    قديم 06-26-2009, 08:09 PM
    الله يرحم جميع موتى المسلمين

    قديم 08-16-2009, 11:53 PM
    الله يرحم موتى المسلمين ,, لا حولا ولا قوه إلا بالله

    قديم 08-23-2009, 09:15 PM
    الله يرحم جميع موتى المسلمين...

    جزاك الله خير

    قديم 09-28-2009, 07:52 PM
    هذا مو مقطع من فلم ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ كاني شايفته

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